Monday, December 31, 2012

Worth a Re-listen...

I have a select few books on my IPod which I ‘re-listen’ to over and over and over and over and...

For a book to be 'ear-worthy', the topic is not really the litmus test. I crave the books which reveal something new to me each and every time I re-listen.

Deep Survival - Who Lives, Who Dies and Why. by Laurence Gonzales
To understand how to survive everyday, check out the mental processes of those who survived while those around them perished. I can't overstate the life lessons learned and the brain function explained by this book.

How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age  , a modern revision of Dale Carnegie's life changing book updated to take advantage of modern technology

My current favorite: Linchpin by Seth Godin.
 If you want to do work that matters, and have a career that you love, it is a must read (listen) and re-read.
Not too many things that I try to foist on my grown children, but this book is one of them.
Perhaps in their next decade...

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