Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I Just Pulled a Beth!

Isn't it incredible how we identify with the people we know?

Whenever my friend Diane locks her keys in the car she slaps her forehead and says. "I just pulled a Lorraine!", referring to her sister-in-law.  I, myself, have caught myself exclaiming,"I just pulled a Pat!" when I arrive at a meeting with the wrong folder of material.

We know ourselves and we know our friends.
We all know the habits and patterns of the people we live and work with.
-- Know anyone who always arrives 10 minutes late?
-- Know anyone who never has enough money to pay their share of the bill?
-- Know someone who consistently stretches the truth?

In your world, everyone in the room knows exactly what you mean when you say," He pulled a Jake!'
How interesting that we are so aware of the negative, disruptive patterns of those around us.

Well, I just pulled a Beth this morning!

I had an epiphany and jotted down a note before the 'Ah-ha' could dissolve and disappear forever. 
This morning , however, I came back later, fleshed out the idea and turned it into a blog which I immediately uploaded to my blog and pushed the Publish button to upload it to the Web!

 I pulled a Beth! (dance of joy)

Beth, my long time friend's oldest daughter is a brilliant young playwright, author and actress. Her continuous output of high quality material would indicate that she must have 40 hours in every day to get things done.

Pulling a Beth, to me, means that I FINISHED something in an effective and efficient fashion. I DID it!

 I have decided to begin to note the positive, effective patterns and habits of people around me and strive to 'Pull a Diane', 'Pull a Sue' and 'Pull a Jo'. Time to Mimic my Mentors to jump start my forward momentum.

How about you? Who would you like to emulate to fast forward your personal growth?

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