This summer I experienced two conferences focused on the tidal wave of diabetes and pre-diabetes in this country. What an eye opener.
But, my biggest learning experience was not even on the conference agenda! I roomed with a gloriously free and creative actress who is also a Type I diabetic. Although she has learned to guard her health and glucose level over decades of practice, it was amazing to see how quickly a physical change affected her mental state. In a matter of minutes, she could go from focused and clear minded to confused, wandering and fuzzy headed. An adjustment from her insulin pump or a snack and within minutes she was "back." Wow.
Watching her clarity and focus change in mere moments, dependent on the glucose level in her body drove home to me what a delicate balancing act our bodies carry on every single day. I am fortunate. Although diabetes is rampant in my family, I do not have that challenge in my life. My pancreas seems to be functioning quite well, thank you. I don't have to spend every moment of my day monitoring, measuring and reacting. My body takes care of all that for me.
I have noticed however that my moods swing wildly when I get hungry and how quickly I bounce back when I have eaten something healthy for me. This new awareness has taken me to a new level. When I put off eating breakfast I notice my mind beginning to wander and lose focus. A healthy snack and I'm back on track. When my energy seems to run out through my feet during exercise, I realize that my glucose level is low. Again, a little snack and some water and suddenly the lethargy drops away and my "I'll never make it" turns in to "I can do this!"
It makes me wonder how many times in life I have given up, gotten angry, felt depressed or acted badly because I didn't listen to my amazing body telling me to take care of myself. Awareness is only the first half of making a lifestyle change, the second is using new knowledge to make the change you want.